
Trying something new career-wise can be as scary as it is exhilarating. That’s why we’re excited to launch Workshop Wednesdays, which gives you a way to dip your toe into doing something different. So, whether you’re looking to change your career and break into tech or if you’re just looking to level-up your skills, Workshop […]

10 Steps to Break Into Tech – Real Stories from Real People (UK Edition)


Getting into tech doesn’t have to be complicated. Nowadays, it’s common for people to change careers even if you don’t have a university degree. As a result, it’s becoming increasingly common for career changers to do online courses, part-time classes, or bootcamps to pivot into a new career. Despite Brexit and the pandemic, UK’s tech […]

The Top 5 Highest-Paying Careers in Tech (2022)


It’s no secret. Tech talent is in high demand across industries, but finding people with the skill sets to fill these roles has been challenging, causing competition amongst businesses for talent in tech — in software engineering, UX design, data science, and digital marketing. As a result, jobs in data analytics, computer science, cloud computing, […]

GA’s Learning Philosophy
Step 1: Understand Learners’ Goals


As we begin a new year, I’m reflecting on what I’ve learned during my first calendar year at General Assembly. Ultimately, I came to GA because I am excited about how instructors, curriculum designers, career coaches, and support teams work with passion and creativity to create truly human learning experiences for learners embarking on the […]

Improving Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Within Your Organization


Systemic racism has been a critical problem for generations, and the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement has brought centuries of injustice to the spotlight. Over the last six months, following the deaths of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, and so many others, individuals worldwide have taken a stand to fight oppression and discrimination against […]

5 Tips for Starting a Career in UX Design


Are you curious about how to get into UX design? With so many jargon-filled UX designer job descriptions, chatter about software tools, and contrasting perspectives on the future of UX, it can be challenging knowing where to start your career path in UX design.  It may be helpful to understand that UX design is a […]