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Career Tarotscopes for May 2024

General Assembly
May 1, 2024
Career Tarotscopes

Rebecca Szymczak, aka Cardsy B, author of The Saturn Diaries and tarot reader to the stars, consulted her cards and has insight for which signs should take May’s Taurus treat-yourself cues to utilize some much-needed PTO and which signs should keep plugging away. She also has some tips for what the Mars/Chiron Conjunction will bring regarding critical meetings at the end of the month.

May, like a gentle breeze after a storm, brings a necessary reprieve from the chaos of the eclipse season in April. It’s a time to breathe, regroup, and prepare for the opportunities that lie ahead. The month commences with a potent new moon in Taurus on May 8, offering us a chance to anchor ourselves in a steadier, more serene pace. But don’t mistake this tranquility for stagnation. As Mercury concludes its post-shadow retrograde phase on May 13, get ready for a surge of green lights and new opportunities. The full moon in Sagittarius on May 23 ushers in a period of accelerated progress, particularly regarding launches and kickoff meetings. And with a Venus/Jupiter conjunction in Taurus on the same day, the potential for new partnerships, including those with investors and clients, is significantly boosted. The latter half of May sets the stage for substantial progress, but be mindful of your words and actions on Wednesday, May 29, as Mars will be conjunct with Chiron, potentially sparking conflicts.

All signs are likely to feel more grounded this month than in April. Taurus brings a steadiness to get us back on track toward long-term goals for Q2. Read on to see what the cards have in store for your sign.

Aries/Aries Rising (March 21 to April 19)

Card: 7 of Wands

Your b-day season may have been a bit of a rollercoaster, especially through early April. Still, the 7 of Wands ensures the strength and stamina you exemplified were acknowledged and will be rewarded by leadership this month.

Highlight: Good Deeds Never Go Unnoticed

You may feel a little battle-worn after putting out countless fires last month, but this was recognized more than you realize, and the benefits will show up by the full moon in Sagittarius on the 23rd.

Heads Up: Timing is Everything

Your tolerance may be wearing thin just before you receive good news this month. Watch your words on the 19th as Mars, your ruling planet, is conjunct with the North node in Aries, which can exasperate patience and ignite conflict.

Mantra: Are we in the clear yet, in the clear yet? Good.

Taylor Swift

Taurus/Taurus Rising (April 20 to May 20)

Card: The Magician

Happy solar return, dear Taurus! The new moon in your sign on May 8 ushers a significant new level regarding finances. This b-day gift from the universe is more of a long-term rollout than a quick one-drop cash injection, so though the news may come in early May, additional steps may need to occur before this new opportunity goes into effect.

Highlight: Choose Your Own Adventure

You’ve worked hard to earn your seat at the table, and this month, The Magician, ruled by Mercury, ensures that your voice is heard and valued. This level of respect allows you to be a co-creator in this new opportunity.

Heads Up: Patience is Key

After you receive news about an opportunity early in the month, it may feel like a “hurry up and wait” situation. Trust the timing as the Venus/Jupiter conjunction in your sign brings momentum regarding leaders and partners collaborating in your favor.

Mantra: Good Things Take Time

Aidan Martin

Gemini/Gemini Rising (May 21 to June 20)

Card: Two of Cups

Exiting out of the Aries season post-eclipse chaos and closer to your b-day season, you’re likely feeling more in flow and at home with May’s energies. Two of Cups indicates that powerful personal and professional collaborations will solidify by the end of the month.

Highlight: Long-term Partnership Opportunities 

Whether this comes in through signing a client that will become a long-term affiliate or being elevated to a partner level within your organization, new collaborations bring in significant abundance this month.

Heads Up: Action is Required 

This opportunity is supported by the Venus/Jupiter conjunction in Taurus on May 23. However, there’s a full moon in Sagittarius, and Sagittarius requires action. Success in this matter may require you to reach out or take the initiative to move things forward at this time.

Mantra: Whatever It Takes

Imagine Dragons

Cancer/Cancer Rising (June 21 to July 22)

Card: Knight of Pentacles

Because Cancers make strong leaders, the back-handed compliment that can accompany that is more work without more compensation. It seems that you have been strategizing to make a change — it’s just a matter of picking the right moment.

Highlight: Increased Influence

The full moon on May 23 brings a window of opportunity, so share what you have been observing with your boss and/or higher-ups to implement necessary changes.

Heads Up: Watch Hasty Decisions This Month

After a turbulent April, you may feel close to your wits’ end and may even have another opportunity within sight. Don’t jump to hasty or emotional decisions, as you have more power than you realize to make changes from within your current structure.

Mantra: Started From the Bottom, Now We’re Here


Leo/Leo Rising (July 23 to August 22)

Card: 4 of Cups

Lots of decisions are coming your way this month, dear Leo. Though the news of doors opening will be exciting, there’s no need to rush.

Highlight: You Have the Upper Hand

Due to last month’s slow-moving pass, you may want to charge ahead, but it’s okay to take your time to think about the offers and opportunities that arrive early in the month.

Heads Up: Don’t Jump at the First Offer

Remember, we’re still in the post-shadow period of Mercury retrograde. So even if it’s tempting to jump at the first offer, it’s best to look at it from all angles and ask any questions, even if it’s just for more time before giving your answer. The last two weeks of the month are better for signing new contracts.

Mantra: You Know What to Do

Carly Simon

Virgo/Virgo Rising (August 23 to September 22)

Card: 8 of Wands

May brings in rewards for making some hard decisions and bold moves last month. The new Moon on May 8 in fellow earth sign Taurus brings big wins for you and your team.

Highlight: Road Opener

What may have seemed like a permanent barrier will be removed unexpectedly by mid-month. Don’t overthink it. Trust that this will enable you to move forward with much more ease.

Heads Up: Stay Agile and Ready to Make Last-Minute Changes

The unexpected news mid-month requires a change of plan but will work in your favor if you can stay open to last-minute changes.

Mantra:  Let’s Get It Started

Black Eyed Peas

Libra/Libra Rising (September 23 to October 22)

Card: 3 of Wands

May brings an increase in travel and/or global reach with your work. This month’s news introduces increased opportunities and meaningful new contacts by month’s end.

Highlight: It’s Go Time

Though this month’s news may not come in the way of an official promotion or long-term contracts (yet), allow yourself to celebrate this opportunity as it sets the tone for bigger-scale career upgrades in the second half of the year.

Heads Up: Choose Your Moment

The Three of Wands card indicates that your ship is on its way to take you to more expansive destinations, but it requires intuition to know when to step onboard. This initiative can mean taking the lead on a project or contacting a new partner or client to get things in motion.

Mantra: Taking Care of Business


Scorpio/Scorpio Rising (October 23 to November 21)

Card: The Moon

Patience may be required in the first half of May to sift through debris still settling from recent changes and reorganizations.

Highlight: Unexpected Acceleration Opportunity

Though April may have been frustrating due to Mercury’s retrograde causing delays and do-overs, when Mercury moves through its post-shadow period after May 13, light is shined on roadblocks that were in your way, allowing things to move forward quickly and efficiently.

Heads Up: Trust The Timing

It may be tempting to try to make others see things from your perspective at the beginning of the month, but this may get lost in translation if you force conversations before others start to see what needs to shift for themselves.

Mantra: Never Give Up


Sagittarius/Sagittarius Rising (November 22 to December 23)

Card: Ace of Wands

Last month’s retrograde and eclipses may have caused even the fastest-moving Sagittarians to slow their roll. Ace of Wands ensures that you’re getting your groove back this month.

Highlight: Feeling Like Yourself Again

You’ll likely already experience higher energy levels and new sources of inspiration as you enter May. Look for attractive new opportunities coming in mid-month that are likely to actualize by the full moon in your sign of Sagittarius on May 23.

Heads Up: Watch Out for Distractions

Some personal distractions also come with the beginning of Gemini Season (May 21). Even if these seem like fun interruptions, don’t let them deter you from maintaining your impressive momentum this month. 

Mantra: Focused

– John Legend

Capricorn/Capricorn Rising (December 22 to January 19) 

Card: Four of Swords

Last month’s eclipse was a powerful catalyst for change that also brought up many conflicting opinions. Four of Swords reminds you to filter out any unnecessary outside noise.

Highlight: You Have The Final Vote

Many people are in your ear right now. It’s important to realize that the increased demand for your attention is because you’re in a position to make an important call this month.

Heads Up: Trust Your Own Voice Above Others

Because of the many voices around you, especially the first half of the month, it’s essential to hone in on and trust your own inner guidance system when making decisions.

Mantra: Trust Yourself

– Bob Dylan

Aquarius/Aquarius Rising (January 20 to February 18)

Card: Death/Rebirth

The Death card often ignites fear, but don’t worry, Aquarius. This opportunity brings the significant change and rebirth you’ve been craving. These shifts are making space for new beginnings that will create long-term growth in your career.

Highlight: Big Level-Ups

Some unexpected twists and turns test your ability to trust and surrender. Despite the turbulent beginning of the month, May sets you up for a whole new opportunity in which you have a more prominent voice and increased autonomy.

Heads Up: Don’t Fight the Change

It seems like you’re getting exactly what you’ve been manifesting, but anxieties around change may arise as it plays out. Don’t allow the fear to take over. Watch the Mars conjunct North Node in Aries on May 19, and don’t make any big moves or decisions that feel rushed. Answers will be revealed by the end of the month.

Mantra: Don’t Be Surprised, I Will Still Rise

– Katy Perry

Pisces/Pisces Rising (February 19 to March 20)

Card: The Sun

Passion projects that have been on hold will be important topics of conversation by the full moon in Sagittarius on May 23. May shines a light on your valuable expertise and opens important doors for this initiative.

Highlight: Confidence Game On

Not only is this good news for a meaningful project, but it also reminds you of what a rockstar you are in your industry, especially if you went through a period of imposter syndrome recently.

Heads Up: Give Yourself Credit

You can be particularly hard on yourself, Pisces, finding it easier to highlight what you need to improve versus celebrating what you’ve successfully achieved. When good news arrives at month’s end, it’s important to give yourself gratitude before rushing on to the next tasks.

Mantra: Life is Good

Future ft. Drake


Remember, this month offers a steadiness to get us back on track toward our long-term goals. Whether that means taking a free tech skill class, signing up for an info session, attending a career development event, or registering for a one-day workshop — or going all-in on a complete career reinvention with one of our bootcamps or short courses, May is just the time to take the steps forward and make progress.

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