eLearning: Beyond the Screen – An Interactive Summit for Enterprise Learning Professionals



With all the buzzwords and stigmas tied to online learning, rolling out online education programs in large organizations can be overwhelming. Earlier this month, we brought together online learning professionals and our Enterprise partners at General Assembly’s HQ in NYC to discuss online learning experiences. Throughout the day, participants engaged in activities to identify opportunities for engaging employees in online learning and helping employees apply what they’ve learned.

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How to Connect your Tumblr to Google Analytics



This post is the final post in a 4-part series on connecting your blog to Google Analytics. Below is a listing with links to the previous three posts.

Unlike Blogger and WordPress, Tumblr does not provide any tools at all to track your blog’s visitors, page views, etc. Tumblr recommends and makes it very easy to connect to Google Analytics.

Below are step-by-step instructions for getting your Tumblr blog properly connected to Google Analytics. Once you do, you can begin measuring, segmenting, tracking, and experimenting to grow and nurture your audience.

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How To Connect Your WordPress Blog To Google Analytics



This post is the third in a 4-part series on connecting your blog to Google Analytics. In the first post, we walked you through the process of creating a Google Analytics account step-by-step. You should do that prior to following the steps below, and you should also have your Google Analytics Tracking ID handy to copy and paste into your Blogger settings. In the second post, we provided the process for connecting your Google Blogger blog to Analytics.

Below are step-by-step instructions for getting your WordPress blog properly connected to Google Analytics so that you can begin measuring, segmenting, tracking, and experimenting to grow and nurture your audience.

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How To Connect Your Blogger Account to Google Analytics



This post is the second in a 4-part series on connecting your blog to Google Analytics. In the first post, we walked you through the process of creating a Google Analytics account step-by-step. You should do that prior to following the steps below, and you should also have your Google Analytics Tracking ID handy to copy & paste into your Blogger settings.

Below are step-by-step instructions for getting your Blogger blog properly connected to Google Analytics so that you can begin measuring, segmenting, tracking, and experimenting to grow and nurture your audience.

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How to setup a Google Analytics Account



We’re in week 3, session 5 of Digital Marketing here at GA Atlanta. Last week, we dove headlong into Google Analytics. While the software itself can be quite intimidating, what we’ve found is that getting a website properly connected to Google Analytics is not as easy as it sounds. With 18 people in the class, each with different websites and platforms, we’ve spent a good deal of time getting everyone hooked up.

Below are step-by-step instructions for setting up your Google Analytics account. Following in this mini-series are step-by-step instructions on properly connecting your Blogger, WordPress, and Tumblr blog or website to Google Analytics so that you can begin measuring, segmenting, tracking, and experimenting to grow and nurture your audience.

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Digital Marketing 101: Developing Your Brand Strategy



This post is part of our Digital Marketing 101 series. Sign up to get the full series!

Before you start planning and executing a digital marketing strategy, you must first establish your brand strategy. Branding makes perfect sense to very experienced advertising and marketing professionals, but to the startup or small business owner, the term “branding” can be hard to nail down.

In this first post of six in the series “Digital Marketing 101”, we’re going to give you solid steps that you can use to create and execute your brand strategy.

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4 Must-Have Attributes of Amazing Product Managers



On a January day fresh out of grad school, I was transitioning into the world of work. I had accepted a role overseeing a B2B video web series run by a small consultancy. I was this project’s first full-time hire, which involved everything from growing subscribers and HTML editing, to scripting interviews and analytics management. When it came time to figure out a title for my new role, I suggested that I be a digital strategist.

The boss considered my idea for a moment. “How about ‘product manager’?” he concluded. “Because AppBeat is the product.”

Without a clue about what product management was, I had suddenly become one. My story is not uncommon; product management is a career people often fall into, without formal training or education.

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5 Ways That Offline Marketing Is Still Critical For Startups



For many of us, planning and executing a flawless digital marketing strategy is mission critical when scaling a startup. With so much focus on acquiring new customers through mammoth channels such as search marketing, social media, and display advertising, advocating an offline marketing strategy can sometimes feel irrelevant or antiquated.

Don’t make the mistake that many entrepreneurs and marketers commit by leaving offline initiatives out of your go-to-market strategy. Not only is it more relevant than ever, but it can be the perfect complement to your online strategy. Read on for our favorite tips employed by some well-known once startups and noteworthy up and comers.

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5 Ways To Engage Your Audience During A Presentation


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Giving an engaging presentation is hard work. Some people are natural orators, but most of us need practice, feedback, and guidance to improve our presenting skills. I teach the Digital Marketing class at General Assembly’s Atlanta location, run a weekly meetup of entrepreneurs every Friday in Atlanta, and lead several other small groups of people in various other capacities. Over the years, I’ve presented countless times to all types of people – investors, customers, employees, boards, students – and I’ve learned that there are five tactics that, used consistently, will help you keep any audience engaged.

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