Career Development Category Archives - General Assembly Blog | Page 33

6 Steps to Advance in the Job You Already Have


6 Steps to Advance in the Job You Already Have

There is an overwhelming amount of advice out there for job seekers, but what about advice for those looking to advance in their current jobs? Back when the economy tanked and so many people were suddenly looking for work, the focus on career advancement took a backseat to finding a job. Now that the economy is stabilizing, it makes sense to also focus on how to succeed once you land the job.

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Online Learning Is a Boon for Small Towns and Small Startups


small town online learning

Depot Town, Michigan. Image source: Cmadler via Wikimedia Commons

In today’s virtual world, the next great business idea need not come from California’s Silicon Valley or New York City’s Silicon Alley. It could come from a silicon cornfield, digital bayou, or mobile rustbelt in any one of thousands of tiny rural regions or small towns across America, towns that may have lost a past glory or never thrived because of a lack of employment opportunities. With online learning programs offering the ability to train adults to do in-demand careers, people throughout the country now have the same inroads to specialized learning and potential innovation available to residents of big cities like New York, San Francisco, Chicago, Seattle, and Boston.

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Why You Need a Mentor Early in Your Career


As young careers get going, it’s a great idea to seek the advice of mentors when faced with new obstacles. Arthur Woods, co-founder and COO of Imperative, certainly learned this as he transitioned from the non-profit to for-profit sector early in his career. Watch his interview here to learn more about how he made the most of his time at Google and how his mentor taught him how to let his personal and professional identities healthily coexist.

Arthur Woods is the co-founder and COO of Imperative, a career management platform that helps both individuals and companies foster professional development. Prior to co-founding Imperative, Woods led operations at YouTube EDU, as well as co-founded Compass Fellowship.

For more Lessons Learned videos like this one, sign up for our 5-part series, delivered conveniently to your inbox.

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Essential Reading: 5 Must-Read User Experience Design Books


user experience design books

When you visit a website that is useful, intuitive, and easy-on-the-eyes, you have a user experience designer to thank. UX designers are the individuals behind the scenes making sure that your experience on a website is a good one — that you aren’t turned off by lack of accessibility, poor design, or functionality hiccups.

It’s a big job, and many rookie UX designers feel intimidated by all of the responsibility. But it’s also a fun and creative job, and with the right training and tools you’ll feel confident taking on any design challenge that comes your way.

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7 Ways to Optimize Your LinkedIn To Boost Your Personal Brand



With more than 275 million users, including executives of nearly every Fortune 500 Company, LinkedIn has become a powerful tool for defining your personal brand, establishing credibility, and networking with business connections. Are you making the most out of your presence within this network?

Getting setup on the platform is just step one—below are seven ways to ensure you are putting your best foot forward on this essential platform. To dive deeper into this subject, watch “Use LinkedIn to Land a Job in Digital Marketing” by our Outcomes & Alumni manager, Katie Hudson.

1. Headshot

Think of your headshot as your first impression for your future employer. You may love that beach pic from your vacation in Maui, or that one shot of you and your squad at the bar—but (most) employers aren’t looking for a buddy to go out with, they are looking for a sharp and reliable worker. Make sure to use a clean, professional image of yourself (and just yourself) that comes off as friendly and polished, focusing on just your head and shoulders.

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Market Hack: How much do Web Developers earn in Sydney?



When starting your career as a Web Developer, it’s difficult to know your value in the marketplace. One of the biggest questions we get is ‘How much do Web Developers earn in Sydney?’

Three Great Tools

The following tools allow you to hack the market for yourself and get a good idea of where you can be situated in a role:

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