Changing Careers in Your 40s – How to Make the Career Change to Tech?


As an adult, your 40s are a defining period in your life. Unfortunately, many professionals at this age feel stagnant in their careers, some feeling like it might be too late to make a change. We’re here to debunk that myth because it’s never too late to try something new.

On average, career changers transition at the age of 39. According to experts, the significant reasons middle-aged professionals succeed in job transitions compared to GenZ is because of lower financial risks and personal stresses.

Although changing careers in your 40s may still be scary, it’s also very rewarding, and the pros outweigh the cons. Switching careers in your 40s is like taking a calculated risk for a more rewarding lifestyle and a job that will bring you more happiness and satisfaction.

Digital transformation is here to stay. The pandemic has hugely accelerated this trend, and most companies are now looking for tech-savvy talent to lead their digital efforts. In addition, gaining new tech skills and upskilling means you are understanding and relating to new generations, increasing the growth of future connections and professional opportunities.

Ultimately, it’s mindset over age, and we’ve got you covered. So keep reading to discover how easy it is to transition to tech in your 40s.

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From Police Officer to Working in Tech: The Ultimate Guide to Making a Career Transformation from Law Enforcement


Although law enforcement is a well-paying job with a good pension, many police officers leave the profession in search of a more secure and balanced life. But, according to CNN, COVID-19, the great resignation, burnout, and a dramatic increase in crime rates across American cities make recruitment and retention difficult.

According to the police executive forum, which surveyed 200 police departments, there has been a 44% increase in police retirements and an 18% increase in cops quitting their jobs.Additionally, in a recent New York Post study, over 2,465 police officers have filed to leave the department this year (42% more than last year). Police officers who have had enough are starting to search for private-sector job opportunities.

Are you currently working in law enforcement, but ready to make a change? Keep reading for key insights on making the switch.

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From Working in a Restaurant To Working in Tech: How To Make a Career Transition from Food Service


Most people have worked in a restaurant at some point in their careers—food service dominates popular first jobs like dishwasher, waitress, host, barista, and pizza delivery. Some stay longer to make culinary careers as chefs or managers.

Working in food service can be rewarding but also grueling, as seen in shows like FX’s ‘The Bear’. Whether you’ve just stopped over in food service or have been there a long time, you might be ready for a change. Rude customers, long hours, and high pressure leave many feeling depleted and wondering how to get out of the restaurant industry.

More than 6% of restaurant and hospitality workers quit each month in 2022—that’s the highest departure rate of any industry according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.  While low wages and tips are the biggest reason workers cite in leaving, more than half also say that no amount of money would entice them back. Let’s take a look at one cook’s story, why departure rates are so high, and where workers are going instead.

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Apply for IMDA’s Tech Immersion and Placement Programme (TIPP) Subsidy


It is a common misconception that investing in a career change is an expensive choice. As a result, many people may be afraid to make the move even when they have a burning desire to transition into a more fulfilling career.

Career change for Singaporeans could be a daunting prospect, especially for those wishing to enter the ever-changing and competitive tech space. However, once you decide to take that step, you’ll find that it’s completely possible.

In its movement towards becoming a smart nation, Singapore is seeing a huge increase in demand for tech talent in areas like cybersecurity, data science and software development. It is reported that there has been a 30.5% job ad increase in the computer and IT fields in Singapore and that 50% of workers will need reskilling by 2050. As such, General Assembly strives to offer financial support for our Singaporean students through subsidies under Infocomm Media Development Authority’s TIPP.

So, if your goal is to seek new career opportunities, transition into a tech role or secure a position at a tech company in Singapore, then you have come to the right place.

Read on to learn more about the subsidy so you can kickstart your career change today.

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From teacher to Analyst at Apple Inc.


This lecturer decided to take a leap of faith and go from being a teacher to a student. Ahmad joined General Assembly’s Data Science Immersive in 2021 with the goal of learning how to utilise data to drive insights. His hardwork and dedication paid off earlier this year, when he scored a role at Apple Singapore as a Market Insights Analyst. Keep reading to find out how Ahmad overcame some initial challenges to secure a spot in the world’s largest tech company of the year.

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3 Steps to Recession-Proof Your Skills & Your Career


“Recession” is a word you don’t want to hear, especially when it’s followed by “coming soon.”

Unfortunately, if you’ve been anywhere near the internet lately, you’ve likely seen a lot of talk about record-high inflation rates and rampant lay-offs — both signs of a recession on the horizon.

This can feel scary. After all, no one is immune from the hard times an economic downturn brings. At the peak of a recession, companies tend to explore ways to cut expenses. This can involve reduced hiring, paused staff promotions, departmental budget cuts, and layoffs.

But here’s what you need to remember: you have more control than you think. You can take matters into your own hands to set yourself up for success by developing and diversifying your skills.

In this article, we’re going to walk you through three steps to recession-proof your skills and career so you can seize your future.

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Is Quiet Quitting Here to Stay? 3 Employee Engagement Strategies to Beat the Quit.


Hybrid and remote work ushered in a new era for the relationship between employers and employees. As workers reassessed their priorities and where work fits in, millions joined The Great Resignation. For employees who stayed, many opted for “quiet quitting”—a newly coined term for disengaging, or putting in the bare minimum at work. 

The percentage of engaged workers was on the decline before the COVID-19 pandemic, and the fallout from The Great Resignation and economic uncertainty has driven engagement levels to all-time lows. For example, a recent Adobe study found that employees—worried about the economy—are spending around two hours during each workday consuming news instead of getting tasks done.  Disengaged employees can cost organizations millions of dollars in revenue due to lower productivity. According to a Gallup poll, each disengaged employee costs their employer $3,400 to $10,000. 

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4 Steps to Building a Future Ready Marketing Team


With technology moving at a blistering pace, skills gaps are wider than ever before. Roles are evolving fast and in some cases becoming completely obsolete. And this problem is not unique to the marketing sector. According to a Gartner report, building up employees’ skills is one of the top priorities for leaders across industries—with many of them ready to invest in upskilling but unsure of how to integrate those efforts into their organizations.

Staying ahead of the curve now entails embracing continuous learning and investing in your team’s capabilities to help them remain competitive and take full advantage of new opportunities. An upskilling initiative that’s aligned with your organization’s strategy and long-term goals can help shrink skills gaps, empower your team to adapt to evolving challenges and build up a skilled and adaptable talent pipeline. 

Unsure of where to start? Start here.

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5 Signs That It’s Time to Do More Than Just Quiet Quit


Are you bored at your current job? You’re not putting in much effort, just doing what needs to be done to get through the day and shutting down when your shift is up. Without realizing it, you might be quiet quitting.

Purpose tied with meaning is what stimulates action. Whether in personal or professional goals, job titles, and careers. We are usually more prone to putting our best foot forward at a job when it carries weight. But if you’re mentally checking out, maybe it’s time to reconsider your career options.. 

If you’re working in the shadows and just getting it done, a pay rise or new title might not be on the horizon. Is a promotion in your current line of work what you really want? It’s not just you, according to Gallup, 85% of employees could be quiet quitting worldwide. 

Employee engagement has a big part to play in this phenomenon, with 67% of employees quiet quitting in the US. And, in Australia and Singapore, 19% and 14% of their workforce are not engaged. 

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Cruise Past the Competition: 4 Steps to Attract & Retain Non-Traditional Talent


Recruiters around the world are facing a labor shortage unlike anything they’ve experienced in the last decade. 63% of recruiters say talent shortage is their number one problem. The good news? There’s a solution that not only benefits businesses but society. By tapping into the wide non-traditional talent pool–from veterans and military spouses, to caregivers and people in their 60s and older, to those with disabilities or who were formerly incarcerated–organizations can bridge the labor shortage gap and build a robust pipeline of talent.

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