How to Create Amazing Presentations in 90 Mins | Online
Whether you use Powerpoint, Keynote, Sli.do or anything else, the principles of a killer slide deck are the same. Learn top tips to make your presentations pop in this 90min class!
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Jordan Lomax is an experienced Digital Marketing Manager, as well as graphic designer, with a broad portfolio of previous clients across many different industries, including fashion, tech, music, travel, e-commerce and food. She has worked on both client and agency side for the likes of Spotify, Shopbop, OMD and The Thoughtful Agency, as well as freelancing for many other high profile brands, developing and implementing their digital marketing strategies.
Jordan now runs The Social Lab - a social, web and design agency servicing a range of clients, big and small. Outside of this, she is a freelance designer and digital strategist, and (most importantly!) is the Lead Instructor for General Assembly's Digital Marketing immersive, guiding students along the road to becoming fully-fledged Digital Marketers. In recognition of her exemplary service in the classroom, Jordan has been selected as a member of General Assembly's Distinguished Faculty program.
In what little spare time she has, Jordan is an enthusiastic consumer of reality television and loves spending time with her beautiful pooch, Iggy.
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