Get your skills fit with our Let's Get Technical event series. March 11-27

Build your AI-ready workforce with insights from our State of Tech Talent 2025 report.

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    Kasun Maldeni Photo

    Kasun Maldeni

    Software Engineer, Inteeso Limited


    Kasun Maldeni is a full-stack web developer with experience in ASP.NET, Ruby on Rails, Python, Node.js and React, and has worked in start-up companies and a large software firm developing software, implementing client-side and server-side test suites, maintaining web applications, working with enterprise content management systems, liaising with clients and training junior developers in the workforce.

    He co-founded a company aimed to provide hostel and inventory management services over the cloud as a SaaS solution. Kasun enjoys working with passionate people to design creative solutions.

    In recognition of his exemplary service in the classroom, Kasun has been selected as a member of General Assembly's Distinguished Faculty program.

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