Get your skills fit with our Let's Get Technical event series. March 11-27
Build your AI-ready workforce with insights from our State of Tech Talent 2025 report.
*Please note that livestream access links will be sent out via email 24-hours and 1-hour prior to the session. Please ensure you check your junk mails to ensure you're receiving the links!
Dive into the world of programming head first with one of the most popular programming languages. The Intro to Javascript livestream will get you up and running with the core concepts of the Javascript language and empower you to continue your programming journey. During the livestream we will learn about the fundamentals of Javascript including variables, functions, data types and begin working with the DOM.
Pick up where this workshop leaves off. Enhance your professional skill set in our part-time JavaScript Development course.
This is a class for beginners; no prior knowledge is required.
If you sign up and do not receive an email with the link to the platform within one hour of the session, please reach out to
Note: This instance is schedule for our Asia Pacific metros, and may take place at an unusual time for your metro.