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    Sales Pivoting: From Funnel to Flywheel

    Seattle Campus

    GA Seattle
    1218 Third Avenue, 3rd Floor
    Seattle WA 98101

    Sales Pivoting: From Funnel to Flywheel | Seattle

    Seattle Campus

    GA Seattle
    1218 Third Avenue, 3rd Floor
    Seattle WA 98101

    About this event

    For years, companies have structured their business strategies around the funnel — and it worked. But recently, marketing experts at Hubspot and HBR argue that the funnel has begun to fail in an era when trust in government, media, and in companies and the marketing they employ, is at an all time low.

    Join us to speak about moving your marketing and sales strategy from the funnel to a flywheel and how this theory is a more comprehensive look at where your business is growing fastest, revealing your biggest areas of opportunity.


    1. Understand the key differences between a sales funnel strategy and a sales flywheel
    2. Learn how a flywheel strategy works
    3. Why the Flywheel Framework Matters

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