Prepare for the Next Normal With Our E-Magazine, The Index


Consider the present state of work. Nearly every business and industry has been thrown into the future and forced to innovate and collaborate in an entirely virtual environment — years of inherent routines and “rules” have been cast aside, and everyone has needed to reset and restart. Remarkably, companies haven’t only survived in this climate — some have even thrived. So, while the pandemic truly has been a test of survival on every level, this challenging time has fortified and innovated us in ways that will continue to propel us forward.

This moment is one of unanticipated celebration as it has fueled the ongoing acceleration of digital transformation for companies around the globe. Before the pandemic, leaders everywhere began preparing for reskilling, talent recruitment, and future-proofing their business strategies at a “nice to have, should do” pace. Fast-forward to 2021, and we have new issues to contend with. From the return to offices to The Great Resignation to constantly zagging in response to breaking news, global travel updates, and the race to end the biggest pandemic of our lifetime — forget the “new normal.” Leaders are far better off asking, “What’s next?”

That’s why we’re excited to announce the launch of our standards board digital magazine, The Index. Within this issue, we’re not interested in the topic of returning to business as usual, so we set out to explore “the next normal.”

Keep reading to learn more. 

What’s Inside The Index: 

The Index includes stories that help leaders take on the next normal and navigate the future of work. Within the pages, you’ll discover dynamic stories such as:

  • Beyond Buzzwords: The Journey to Make Your Company Data-Driven 
  • Google Stole the Cookies from the Jar: Why & What’s Next
  • What Remote Teams Can Learn From Design
  • The Future & Importance of Inclusive Company Cultures 
  • & So Much More 

You Should Download the Index If: 

  • You’re a leader looking for advice on how to navigate the future of work.
  • You’re interested in future-focused topics that will help you bring your organization to the next level. 
  • You know how valuable building an inclusive company culture is and want to learn how other businesses are thinking about this.

Get a copy of The Index by clicking and downloading this handy link

Disclaimer: General Assembly referred to their Bootcamps and Short Courses as “Immersive” and “Part-time” courses respectfully and you may see that reference in posts prior to 2023.