Have You Considered Exploring a Product Management Career?


You may also enjoy data or coding.

You appear to be a big picture thinker with a knack for balancing vision, intuition, adaptability, and logic to achieve clear goals. You thrive around other people and care about what’s best for the team and your users. You might find it rewarding to work with cross-functional stakeholders and data to guide complex projects toward long-term success.

Relevant job titles

Product Manager

Technical Project Manager

Product Analyst

Product Owner

Operations Manager

Web Developer

Technical Support Engineer

Business Intelligence Analyst

Data Engineer

Solutions Engineer


Your ideal collaborators may include like-minded strategists with interests that span business, design, and tech, as well as strong visual communicators. These above-mentioned roles will allow you to collaborate with an assortment of teams — marketing, finance, sales, product, and design — while utilizing an array of crossover skill sets.


Here are some great starting places to inspire you:

Disclaimer: General Assembly referred to their Bootcamps and Short Courses as “Immersive” and “Part-time” courses respectfully and you may see that reference in posts prior to 2023.