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    Sunil Bhandari (Moderator) Photo

    Sunil Bhandari (Moderator)

    Principal Designer, Thought Collaborative


    Hello, I love solving problems.

    Why? Because we shouldn't have to struggle through poor processes, bad communication, useless features and unusable technology. Because there's more to life.

    As Principal Designer with Thought Collaborative, I use a human-centred approach to help business transform their people, products and services to create meaningful experiences for customers. Meaning, I involve the people that care about the problems, and those that care about the solutions.

    I have worked with various industries, including start-ups, banking and finance, education, government, telecommunications, transport, service industry and not for profit sectors.

    Clients include, ANZ, ATO, AusPost, Coffey, Dept of Education, Dulux, GE Money, KPMG, Telstra, VicRoads and 7/11.

    My skills and experiences span - experience design (EXD), using design thinking / lean startup, design strategy, UX, service design (SD), HCD capability building, business improvement, business design, stakeholder engagement, customer research (CX), interaction design (IxD), user-centred design (UCD), prototyping, collaborative design and teaching.

    The thing I like most is immersing in the user's context - I've crawled around the hull of a patrol boat, helped refugees off a naval dinghy and done tax returns at a family's dining table.

    Most of all, I seek to understand before trying to solve.

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