Paula Berg is Director of Digital Media at Hewlett Packard Enterprise, specializing in digital media strategy, content marketing, enterprise integration, and reputation management. Prior to joining HPE, Paula spent four years building the digital media practice at Linhart PR, an award-winning communications firm serving B2B and B2C clients including Crocs, Deloitte, Comcast, Celestial Seasonings, and the state of Colorado. Paula earned her social media stripes at Southwest Airlines, where she served as the company’s first Manager of Emerging Media, responsible for the development of the airlines’ acclaimed social media strategy. Under her leadership, the airlines’ blog, "Nuts About Southwest," was named Best Blog by PR News in 2007, 2008, and 2009, and has been cited in countless publications ranging from Wired to theWall Street Journal for providing a community for loyal Customers, serving as a virtual focus group, and influencing business decisions. Prior to her work in social media, Paula was spokesperson for Southwest Airlines with emphasis on reputation and crisis management. Paula also supervised on-location production of Airline!, Southwest’s reality series for the A&E Television Network.