Surviving Startup Stress: Mindfulness to Strengthen Focus & Productivity
In the competitive fast paced ecosystem of startups where the motto is “Grow fast or Die Slow” – stress is a very real issue.
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Nirali Shah teaches secular Mindfulness Meditation practices around the world with an emphasis on mind-body awareness and self-inquiry She has spent thousands of hours meditating in silent retreats in monasteries, meditation centers, cells and caves. She is a certified mindfulness facilitator from UCLA's Mindful Awareness Research Center, a part of the Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior.
She currently teaches this workshop at technology companies in the Silicon Valley. She is also a teacher at Insight Meditation Center in Redwood City, California as well as facilitates retreats with Spirit Rock and Inward Bound Mindfulness Education.
Nirali works at the crossroads of technology and meditation. She is a warm-hearted designer who is dangerously wired into the chops of Growth Hacking and Conversion Rate Optimization. No stranger to the startup game, in the last twelve years, she has created multi-channel campaigns and managed millions of dollars in Media and Communication budgets, profitably reaching target segments and exceeding conversion goals.
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