Diversity in Design
Join General Assembly and CreativeMornings to tackle the future of diversity in design head-on with a thoughtful discussion featuring some of Boston's best designers.
Get your skills fit with our Let's Get Technical event series. March 11-27
Build your AI-ready workforce with insights from our State of Tech Talent 2025 report.
Muigai Unaka is a MITX award winning social Software Engineer, social Designer and social Entrepreneur at Resilient Coders, a non-profit based in Boston that trains people of color then places and supports them in careers as software engineers. The social distinction on these roles does not entail a high energy extrovert that is the life of the office party but rather serves to portray Muigai Unaka as a professional that puts the problems of people as his primary focus and uses his skills to drive social change for a target population. When wearing his social entrepreneur hat, he focuses on solving problems like a lack of equitable access to software engineer jobs and discrimination for people of color entering the tech world. When wearing his social designer hat, he puts his Northeastern University dual degree in Interaction Design and Interactive Media to good use by applying the design process to a number of identified problems to bring about social change through channels like web design and data visualization. When wearing his social software engineer hat, he is developing products that function to help a target population or interactive pieces that look to inform the general populous of problems that plague society. Outside of work, Muigai Unaka enjoys learning new languages and reading up on the history of his father’s homeland of Nigeria and his mother’s homeland of Kenya. Also, his great grandfather is Jomo Kenyatta.
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