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    Laura DeMaria Photo

    Laura DeMaria

    Executive Director, National Association for County Community and Economic Development

    Washington, D.C.

    Laura DeMaria is the Executive Director of the National Association for County Community and Economic Development (NACCED), which represents local government agencies’ community development and affordable housing programs across the nation. In her first year as ED, by prioritizing communication and focusing on relationships, NACCED’s membership grew by 25%. Laura also launched and hosts NACCED’s podcast, The Holistic Housing Podcast, which has received mention by CNN and in The Washington Post.

    In addition to her work in nonprofit and association management, she is a speaker and workshop leader on topics including developing self-awareness, knowing and living one’s values, centering through prayer, the art of conversation, and leadership at all levels. She is a graduate of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and the American University School of Public Affairs, where she earned a Master’s Degree in Public Administration with a focus in Nonprofit Management. Laura serves on the Board of Directors of L'Arche Greater Washington and enjoys performing improv and volunteering for causes close to her heart.

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