Get your skills fit with our Let's Get Technical event series. March 11-27

Build your AI-ready workforce with insights from our State of Tech Talent 2025 report.

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    Gaurav Valani Photo

    Gaurav Valani

    Career Coach, Speaker and Entrepreneur

    Los Angeles

    Gaurav Valani is a professional Career Coach, Speaker and Entrepreneur. As a Recruiter by trade, Gaurav grew tired of how many companies in the recruiting industry treated job seekers and employers alike - with every little care and attention, so he decided to do something about it. He helped grow one of the fastest growing staffing agencies to $75M in revenue by first focusing on people's career aspirations and then helping them to find the right career opportunity.

    Throughout his career, Gaurav has worked with some of the top hiring managers and executives in Fortune 100 to 500 companies on their hiring practices. He knows exactly how the top companies in the world hire their employees and more importantly, he will tell you what character traits they look for when making a hire. Gaurav has leveraged that knowledge to help over 3000 people build a purpose-driven career by landing high-paying jobs at the best companies to work for.

    He will show you proven strategies that you can implement right away for building a comprehensive step-by-step career plan to bridge the gap between where you are today and where you want to be in your future.

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