Fengru Lin Photo

Fengru Lin

Co-Founder & CEO, TurtleTree Labs


What started as a passion to make cheese and the inability to find good milk in Asia, Fengru knew she had to do something about the challenges facing the dairy industry today. Coming from a background of 10x thinking in Google, Fengru boldly co-founded TurtleTree labs to improve the way milk is produced and consumed.

TurtleTree Labs is the first biotech company in the world with the ability to create milk from all mammals. Using our proprietary cell-based methods, they will shape the future of not just how we get dairy milk but how humans will feed their infants. To maximise impact, the team will work with industry leaders to adopt their sustainable and safe methods to create milk. Our focus on impact will disrupt this multi-billion dollar industry while reducing the carbon footprint on this planet, while creating milk free of contaminants. Our innovation will provide millions access to safer, reliable and higher quality dairy products.

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