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    Edward Perez Photo

    Edward Perez

    UXDI Instructor, General Assembly

    Los Angeles

    Ed Perez is a user-centered design (UCD) and UX Research leader that most recently built a diverse and inclusive best-in-class team focused on experience strategy, research and innovation. Over the last few years his focus has included organizational culture change toward UCD, establishing rapid prototyping as a service, and exploring service design to unite the user and team member experience. Ed has a non-traditional background that includes Project Management, SQL Programer and Assistant Treasurer of a Fortune 100 company, with various expatriate postings and work on 5 continents. One common theme has always been a passion for the user experience, leading to work as an ethnographer and more recently as UX Research manager. His second passion is sharing design thinking/UCD methods and approaches through instruction and workshop facilitation.

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