Get your skills fit with our Let's Get Technical event series. March 11-27

Build your AI-ready workforce with insights from our State of Tech Talent 2025 report.

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    Brandy Porter Photo

    Brandy Porter

    UXDI Instructor, General Assembly


    Brandy has spent much of her career creating award-winning solutions across all manner of media for top consumer brands, including Ford, The Home Depot, WebMD and Orkin. She has created results-driven interactive experiences on multiple platforms, devices, and environments. She has also taught interaction design at corporate and collegiate levels with a focus on user behavior, intuitive design and critical thinking.

    Additionally, Brandy has built and managed high-performing teams in multiple industry environments, from app dev to advertising. She excels at finding the right mix of people for business and culture, and ensures their success through communication, coaching, and collaboration.

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