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    UNSTUCK Series: How to Nurture a Happy Mind in Stressful Moments

    Chicago Campus

    GA Chicago @ 150 N Wacker
    150 N Wacker, Suite 2600
    Chicago IL 60606

    UNSTUCK Series: How to Nurture a Happy Mind in Stressful Moments | Chicago

    Chicago Campus

    GA Chicago @ 150 N Wacker
    150 N Wacker, Suite 2600
    Chicago IL 60606

    About this event

    We are going through a lot right now.

    Most of us are working from home, communicating via video, and quarantining ourselves. We are juggling a lot during this new normal. We’ve all had to work under tighter deadlines, find solutions to unthinkable new problems, and all together nurture our own happy minds in stressful moments.

    Wellness at work right now means different things to different people. What’s important is taking actions to keep your mind happy and well.

    You’re invited to join in a conversation with meditation leaders, mindfulness teachers, and professional healers to gain insight into how to stay more calm and stress free. All of us are seemingly looking for ways to unf*ck our businesses, our lives, and our souls.

    Whether you work for a big corporation, are an entrepreneur, or are merely curious about how to stay mentally well and strong - we all can learn from meditation leaders in Los Angeles about how to unf*ck our stressful professional and home lives.

    We’ll feature health experts who have led trainings to help you create a more enthusiastic work environment, reduce professional stress/anxiety, and empower team members to be present with their work. No need to be a professional yogi or full-time meditator to attend this event.


    This workshop will help you be more mentally active and well, teaching you how to implement a successful work wellness program. Whether it is reducing stress, increasing productivity, channeling creativity, or improving your sleep - we’ll provide both scientific and ancient solutions to help you cultivate a happy mind for the rest of 2020.

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