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    Unlock Blockchain Technology: A Panel Discussion

    Past Locations for this Event

    Unlock Blockchain Technology: A Panel Discussion | Melbourne

    Past Locations for this Event

    About this event

    Join General Assembly to explore blockchain technology with a diverse panel working on innovations that are transforming the global tech landscape.

    It’s been over ten years since the Bitcoin whitepaper was released and gave birth to blockchain – a decentralised ledger technology facilitating greater transparency, efficiency and trust. The prolific rise of bitcoin in the middle of the decade created a global frenzy. Its downturn in the past couple of years has forced the world to focus more attention on the underlying technology and its potential application outside of currency towards a myriad of industries from logistics, real estate, agriculture and even music.

    This event will focus on how blockchain technology is making an impact by unpacking its key features and how its mechanisms are transforming a diverse range of industries. There will be time for both networking and interesting discussions with like-minded professionals after the event.

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