Get your skills fit with our Let's Get Technical event series. March 11-27

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    The Ethics of Gathering and Using Data

    Washington, D.C. Campus

    GA D.C.
    509 7th Street NW, 3rd Floor
    Washington D.C. 20004

    Past Locations for this Event

    The Ethics of Gathering and Using Data | Washington, D.C.

    Washington, D.C. Campus

    GA D.C.
    509 7th Street NW, 3rd Floor
    Washington D.C. 20004

    Past Locations for this Event

    About this event

    Data Science is an emerging and growing field that crosses many industries. But as companies, organizations and governments gather and use personal data, what ethical issues arise?

    We will discuss how data science is implemented every day in both obvious and non-obvious ways, then explore the ethical implications of gathering and using data.


    By the end of the event, you'll have an opportunity to understand some of their ethical responsibilities when gathering/using data, identify ways of improving their gathering/use of data, and to constructively scrutinize others' gathering/use of data.

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