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    The Business of Beer

    Boston Campus

    GA Boston
    125 Summer Street 13th Floor
    Boston MA 02110

    Past Locations for this Event

    The Business of Beer | Boston

    Boston Campus

    GA Boston
    125 Summer Street 13th Floor
    Boston MA 02110

    Past Locations for this Event

    About this event

    Dream of starting your own brewery? Have a hobby you'd like to turn into a business? Boston's craft beer scene is bubbling! Local companies are disrupting the industry and creating unique experiences, flavors, and combinations that rival the oldest brands.

    On Thursday, July 14th, General Assembly is teaming up with Branchfood to chat about the business of brewing and understand the past, present, and future of the Boston beer scene. Join us for a panel of beer experts from local breweries - large, small, and in between - who will tell us how they got started, where they found funding, and how they brew, market, package, sell, and distribute their product.

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