Get your skills fit with our Let's Get Technical event series. March 11-27
Build your AI-ready workforce with insights from our State of Tech Talent 2025 report.
Do you get the feeling that you're not achieving all you're capable of? Do you find yourself dissatisfied with the life you're living, and think perhaps it's yourself that's holding you back?
Professional life coach and personal development specialist Aimee Teesdale has helped people just like you embark on drastic life transformations, seeing them achieve breakthrough results. The pattern she's noticed? The barriers to their success often came down to the same principles no matter how varied or different their life circumstances.
Come along to find out Aimee's 4 major principles that prevent people from achieving the results they want in their lives. She'll discuss common barrier-to-success beliefs, and reveal how to flip them so you're left more empowered to create results.
After going through various exercises, prepare to walk away with real, applied insights for your own unique situation.
This workshop is for you if: