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    Tech Talks: Food Waste and the Future of Eating

    San Francisco Campus

    GA SF
    225 Bush Street, 5th Floor (East Entrance)
    San Francisco CA 94104

    Past Locations for this Event

    Tech Talks: Food Waste and the Future of Eating | San Francisco

    San Francisco Campus

    GA SF
    225 Bush Street, 5th Floor (East Entrance)
    San Francisco CA 94104

    Past Locations for this Event

    About this event

    40% of food produced in the US never gets eaten. The food industry continues to be shaken up at an unprecedented speed. Transparency, clean label, plant-based food, and ending food waste are some of the hottest buzzwords when it comes to predicting the future of food. Innovators are now finding ways to utilize, intercept and redistribute food that would have otherwise gone to waste.

    In this fireside chat moderated byImperfect Produce, experts will share their insight, perspective, and journey in the tech and food industry. You'll hear about the future of technology in this industry and learn about how you can play a part in mitigating food waste.

    Following the discussion, we'll be screening Anthony Bourdain's Wasted! The Story of Food Waste.

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