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    Tech and Events: Hio Virtual Mixer

    Los Angeles Campus

    GA Los Angeles (DTLA)
    360 E. 2nd Street, Suite 400
    Los Angeles CA 90012

    Past Locations for this Event

    Tech and Events: Hio Virtual Mixer | Los Angeles

    Los Angeles Campus

    GA Los Angeles (DTLA)
    360 E. 2nd Street, Suite 400
    Los Angeles CA 90012

    Past Locations for this Event

    About this event

    GA is excited to partner with Hio, an exciting new networking platform, for our Post-Event Mixer.

    Using this platform, you'll be able to connect with other event attendees via video chat at group "tables" or one-on-one. Hio will help make your experience at our event more enjoyable and make it easier to find, friend & follow up with others, even after the mixer ends. Click this link to sign up for Hio, set up your profile, and get to networking!

    Your unique link to log into the Virtual Mixer is:

    Prereqs & Preparation

    • Please make sure to download the Zoom app to ensure there are no connectivity issues.

    • Registrants will receive the Zoom link via email, in the confirmation email and in the 24-hour reminder email from General Assembly.

    • Please download and setup Hio prior to the event. It takes less than 10 minutes!


    1. On laptop or desktop: Create an account: Hio. On mobile: download Hio
    2. You'll be prompted to sign up as a new user with your email address and phone number. This information is only used for authentication purposes.
    3. Setup your profile
    4. A password to enter the mixer will be sent the day of the event
    5. Join the event and start networking! If you have any questions about the app, please email

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