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    Teach at GA: Training on Instructional Best Practices

    Seattle Campus

    GA Seattle
    1218 Third Avenue, 3rd Floor
    Seattle WA 98101

    Past Locations for this Workshop

    Teach at GA: Training on Instructional Best Practices | Seattle

    Seattle Campus

    GA Seattle
    1218 Third Avenue, 3rd Floor
    Seattle WA 98101

    Past Locations for this Workshop

    About this workshop

    Specifically created for current and future GA instructors, this workshop will equip you with tips and strategies to set you up for success even before you step into the classroom. You'll learn instructional best practices for lesson planning and prep as well as the basics on how to check for understanding, increase student engagement in class, and start to build your instructor toolkit. You'll walk away with valuable insight on how to approach your next teaching opportunity.


    • Describe at least 3 key takeaways about Adult Learning Theory and create an opening "hook" for your lesson
    • List and execute at least 5 key best practices for lesson planning and classroom prep
    • Identify and describe at least 3 techniques to check for understanding
    • Create a basic instructor toolkit and recall and explain at least 3 effective tools or resources to leverage

    Prereqs & Preparation

    • Currently an instructor with GA or interested in teaching opportunities at GA.
    • Please bring a laptop - or at the very least, a notepad and pen/pencil.
    • Please have a topic in mind that you'd like to teach, or are currently teaching - if you have an existing lesson plan that you'd like to annotate or update, even better.

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