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    Staying Sane (and Even Growing) in Times of Chaos

    Online Campus


    Staying Sane (and Even Growing) in Times of Chaos | Online

    Online Campus


    About this event

    If the fallout of sheltering in place, business pivots, and forced innovation is keeping you on edge – but you secretly believe that you just might have an opportunity to grow tremendously as a leader and businesswoman during this time – then this session is for you.

    In addition to requiring a ton of courage and emotional resilience, the covid-19 pandemic is also asking many of us to squarely face our own fears of failure – and confront our old success-sabotaging habits. This isn’t easy. It isn’t always fun. And it often isn’t pretty.

    But what if the next evolution of your life, work, or leadership were actually dependent upon the current global disruption? What if your future self were in fact being forged in the fire of this unprecedented and unpredictable time?

    In the session, we’ll explore how the ego’s unconscious, counterproductive habits can creep in when we’re faced with an urgent need to innovate. We’ll discuss how to gracefully navigate the high-and-low mood swings that can come with loss of income, business pivots, and even surprising new opportunities at work. And, we’ll better define what it means to stay sane and productive, while also being open to unexpected miracles at this time.

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