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    Shifting Roles in Design

    Past Locations for this Event

    Shifting Roles in Design | Atlanta

    Past Locations for this Event

    About this event

    With the growing presence of design thinking in the lives of the general public -- a trend heavily influenced by Apple, Google, IDEO, IBM, etc. -- the profession of industrial design has evolved by leaps and bounds throughout the past fifteen to twenty years. Has the commercial success of these companies changed the way design professions are viewed? Are we now at a point where design is becoming a well-respected and valuable asset to businesses?

    "Panelists will discuss how the ever-evolving profession of design has changed their roles as design leaders throughout their careers. Some topics for discussion include:

    • Identity: What does it even mean to be a designer these days?
    • What shifts have they observed in business and product development? (Whether locally, nationally, or internationally)
    • Have their creative processes and strategic scope (big picture versus detail-oriented) changed throughout their careers?
    • Do other industries (fashion, architecture, and technology) have a large say in the evolution of design? If so, how?
    • How are these changes shaping the innovation landscape?
    • What does all this mean for the future of design in Atlanta and the South? Are we developing a strong and distinct voice of our own? How have their professional work and involvement in design education changed the local design community?


    • Experience an open and honest dialogue between design professionals and their peers
    • Gain perspective of the role of design in business and popular culture from well-respected design leaders
    • Learn what skills, strategies, and habits are useful to design leaders when pursuing both personal and professional goals
    • Get a glimpse of what the future holds for the Atlanta design community, and the industrial design community at large"

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