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    Ruby on Rails Basics: Full Day Workshop

    London Campus

    GA London, The Relay Building
    1st Floor, 114 Whitechapel High Street

    Past Locations for this Workshop

    Ruby on Rails Basics: Full Day Workshop | London

    London Campus

    GA London, The Relay Building
    1st Floor, 114 Whitechapel High Street

    Past Locations for this Workshop

    About this workshop

    You’ve got a head full of ideas when it comes to creating a web app, but where do you start? In this weekend workshop, you’ll learn HTML, Rails, and GIT basics that will get you moving the right direction in your app development process. In this workshop, you will learn the basics of programming in Ruby - enough to play around with arrays, hashes, control structures, and methods. You will also be able to build and deploy a simple Rails app (Twitter clone) to Heroku.


    • Build a simple object-oriented Ruby program
    • Differentiate arrays and hashes
    • Apply loops to manipulate collections
    • Create and implement custom methods and classes
    • Explain the MVC structure and differentiate between models, views, and controllers.
    • Build a simple Rails app from scratch

    Prereqs & Preparation

    No pre-reqs but some pre-course work in the command line and git would be good if you are not familiar with coding. Ideally, understand how to navigate to a folder using the command line.

    Review these resources before class: - - -

    Preparation: - Laptop preferably a Mac but PCs welcomed. - Text editor, such as Sublime Text: - Download/Install Ruby and Rails:

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