Get your skills fit with our Let's Get Technical event series. March 11-27
Build your AI-ready workforce with insights from our State of Tech Talent 2025 report.
We know that to be successful in our profession or business these days we need to be our authentic selves. Yet, we hide behind a facade when presenting ourselves to the world - trying our best to appear "professional".
Our selfies, our LinkedIn profiles, status updates, and tweets are all 'doctored' the way we want the world to see us. Even our blog posts are carefully structured to convey the message we want to send out to the world. Our videos are vetted by image consultants and our appearance filtered by make-up artists. In the process, we lose the very essence of ourselves.
If only there was a medium where we could be just ourselves, where we can't pretend. Thankfully there is. The spoken word. Conversation, interviews and simple story telling forces us to convey the real us. It's almost impossible to pretend. Unless we are really good actors.
Podcasting allows us to extend our real selves to the whole world. In fact to anyone who would listen. When we are in front of a microphone, there is nowhere to hide. We are who we are. Very soon every business, large or small will need a podcast to get the message out. Hence the reason why podcasts are gaining in popularity, while other methods are losing credibility.
Podcasts can be anything from an integral part of the overall digital marketing strategy to a personal journey that shares your wisdom and experiences through the spoken word. It is the best way known to establish rapport with your audience and show off the real you.