Pakathon: Google Analytics Workshop

Washington, D.C. Campus

509 7th Street NW, 3rd Floor
Washington D.C. 20004

Past Locations for this Workshop

Pakathon: Google Analytics Workshop | Washington, D.C.

Washington, D.C. Campus

509 7th Street NW, 3rd Floor
Washington D.C. 20004

Past Locations for this Workshop

About this workshop

For all current and future entrepreneurs, come and learn about ways to effectively market your businesses and determine optimal strategies for growing your startups! This Marketing and Google Analytics workshop will be a creative, productive and interactive session so don't miss out on an amazing opportunity to learn more and meet other entrepreneurs. The workshop is completely free of charge but please RSVP as soon as possible and get your tickets here.

This event is brought to you by PakathonDC, a global non-profit focused on reversing brain-drain in Pakistan.


Pakathon is a global movement with a mission to connect entrepreneurs, researchers and technologists from Pakistan to those around the world. Our goal is to create sustainable projects and companies that make an impact and shape the future of Pakistan.

Prereqs & Preparation

Pakathon events have something for everyone. Engineers, business majors, designers, philosophers all have something to contribute. We believe interdisciplinary collaboration is one of our most powerful tools for change. Pakathon is for Pakistanis and non-Pakistanis alike.

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