Get your skills fit with our Let's Get Technical event series. March 11-27

Build your AI-ready workforce with insights from our State of Tech Talent 2025 report.

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    Mastering Time Management

    New York City campuses

    GA NYC (Manhattan), HQ
    10 E 21st St, 3rd Floor
    New York NY 10010

    GA NYC (Manhattan), Classrooms
    10 East 21st Street
    New York NY 10010

    Past Locations for this Workshop

    Mastering Time Management | New York City

    New York City campuses

    GA NYC (Manhattan), HQ
    10 E 21st St, 3rd Floor
    New York NY 10010

    GA NYC (Manhattan), Classrooms
    10 East 21st Street
    New York NY 10010

    Past Locations for this Workshop

    About this workshop

    This workshop highlights the distractions that get in the way of doing our most important work and how to manage your time so you can add more value without working longer hours. You will discover how to optimize your to-do list and organize your schedule for maximum clarity and efficiency. For any job seekers seeking to create better productivity and time management habits that produce immediate results, this is an invaluable session.

    You'll walk out knowing...

    • How to reduce distractions and recurring interruptions
    • How to develop a monthly, weekly, and daily routine to stay focused on your most important tasks
    • How to create a system for capturing new ideas and lingering issues without feeling overwhelmed

    Coming up near you

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