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    lyf + GA Masterclass: Introduction to Gamification

    Singapore Campus

    General Assembly @ 79 Anson
    Level 20. 79 Anson Road

    Past Locations for this Event

    lyf + GA Masterclass: Introduction to Gamification | Singapore

    Singapore Campus

    General Assembly @ 79 Anson
    Level 20. 79 Anson Road

    Past Locations for this Event

    About this event

    Why are games so addictive? What is game thinking? Learn the key motivations for players to be engaged in a game and think about how to apply that in your game using key game elements.

    Your customers have infinite choices with digital products, so how do you keep them in yours? Learn common game design elements and incorporate them in your product. Make your product fun and engaging!


    Students will learn: - What is gamification and game thinking - What are customer motivations and how to engage them through understanding of their motivations - What are game elements and where to apply them

    Prereqs & Preparation

    Suitable for professionals who are building or thinking of building a digital product or those just interested in finding out more about the concept! Try come along with a name of at least one game you’ve played.

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