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    Influence Me: Why Influencer Marketing Is More Relevant than ever in 2021

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    Influence Me: Why Influencer Marketing Is More Relevant than ever in 2021 | Brisbane

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    Influencer marketing is a buzzword that has been making its rounds in new media. For the year 2021, it is predicted that there would be a 15% growth in the amount of marketing dollars spent on influencer marketing. The introduction of new social media platforms like Snapchat have also motivated the adoption of such a strategy.

    Unlike celebrity endorsements, influencers are often knowledgeable thought leaders in their field who are viewed as credible sources for recommendations to their cultivated audience. This data-driven strategy also leverages on the number of engagements they receive, aside from using the number of followers as a metric.

    So, what makes influencer marketing the new hot trend? Join us as our experts take a deep dive into notable influencer marketing trends for 2021 to help your brand map out strategies and get ahead of the curve.

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