Get your skills fit with our Let's Get Technical event series. March 11-27
Build your AI-ready workforce with insights from our State of Tech Talent 2025 report.
See what strategies leaders in top organisations have used to implement Design Thinking into their teams.
Design Thinking is an approach organisations use to better understand the needs of people in order to create the most innovative and intuitive products. This creative problem-solving approach stresses the importance of empathy, focuses on the experiences of end users, and integrates an iterative process as part of the final product. Great design doesn’t happen within the four walls of a studio or office, it happens in collaboration with people and in deep consideration of their complex needs.
Design thinking is not only limited to designers, it is important for your whole team to understand the concept as it can be used to spark creativity, ideas, innovation as well as improving business processes.
Listen to what leaders in the market are doing to implement design thinking into their teams and find out the benefits teams have seen from implementing it.