Get your skills fit with our Let's Get Technical event series. March 11-27
Build your AI-ready workforce with insights from our State of Tech Talent 2025 report.
The US job market in 2020 was hit hard, to say the least with about 9.6 million people who lost their jobs. Not having job security is one of the most stressful experiences in life, so what can we do to better prepare for the future in hopes to not put our jobs in jeopardy? RSVP to find out!
In this three part sub series of Futureproof Your Career, you will learn to:
Part 1/3 - Secure Yourself Look within to reflect, reaccess, and rebuild in order to find your long term purpose that'll translate to a more fulfilled and secure career path.
Part 2/3 - Secure Those Skills Know what roles are right for you now? Find out what methods you can use, free or not, to gain resilient technical and soft skills that transcend.
Part 3/3 - Secure the Job! Now that you've got yourself and skill growth plan set in stone, it's time to practice and put your interview game face on!