Get your skills fit with our Let's Get Technical event series. March 11-27
Build your AI-ready workforce with insights from our State of Tech Talent 2025 report.
Please note, due to COVID-19 concerns, in-person events are postponed until further notice. This event will shift to a webinar format. Webinar information to come!
Values are beliefs linked inextricably to affect. Values refer to desirable goals that motivate action. Values transcend specific actions and situations. We are making decisions everyday based around our values, but when it comes to our career, we often only focus on just a few of them: wealth, power and recognition. We are so much more than this! When we get to know what we truly value, we can find a career or job that is aligned with who we are and what we want.
Come learn how to align your values with your career goals in this interactive workshop!