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    Fin-Gym: Is Crypto a fad? Or the future?

    Sydney Campus

    GA Sydney
    1 Market Street, Podium Building (entry via Kent Street, to the red-brick building, next to My Lua)
    Sydney NSW 2000

    Past Locations for this Event

    Fin-Gym: Is Crypto a fad? Or the future? | Sydney

    Sydney Campus

    GA Sydney
    1 Market Street, Podium Building (entry via Kent Street, to the red-brick building, next to My Lua)
    Sydney NSW 2000

    Past Locations for this Event

    About this event

    Is Crypto a fad? Or the future? Everywhere you look these days its “crypto this and coin that," but is any of it legit? Let alone a good investment? Whether you believe Bitcoin will go the way of fidget spinners or set you up for life, The Zuper Fin Gym can help you get Crypto fit.

    About the Fin Gym We all know we need to do more to secure our financial future, but taking the first steps can be daunting. The Zuper Fin Gym is a monthly event where anyone can come learn, chill, and ask any embarrassing questions about money in a safe, welcoming place.

    This month we're talking all things cryptocurrency, the latest investment trend that's got not only Wall Street traders talking, but probably your next door neighbour too.

    Our Featured Finance Partner Coinjar, Australia's most popular bitcoin wallet, will be on hand to take us through their latest beginners guide to cryptocurrency. Then Tristan Scifo from Purpose Advisory will lead a group discussion on investing verses speculating, and how to spot the difference.

    Plus we’ll have a surprise Showcase Partner with something delicious on offer that may or may not be good for your waistline. So come along to The Zuper Fin Gym and get on the path to fiscal fitness!

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