Get your skills fit with our Let's Get Technical event series. March 11-27

Build your AI-ready workforce with insights from our State of Tech Talent 2025 report.

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    EdTech and WorkForce Development

    Los Angeles Campus

    GA Los Angeles (DTLA)
    360 E. 2nd Street, Suite 400
    Los Angeles CA 90012

    Past Locations for this Event

    EdTech and WorkForce Development | Los Angeles

    Los Angeles Campus

    GA Los Angeles (DTLA)
    360 E. 2nd Street, Suite 400
    Los Angeles CA 90012

    Past Locations for this Event

    About this event

    There's no argument that higher education continues to change at a rapid pace. Yet even though a college education still drives future earning potential, some of the most in-demand jobs today favor a more vocational education over a formal degree. Programming jobs, for example, have become among the most lucatraive non-degree careers. And with student loan debt in the U.S. at $1.2 trillion and tuition ever on the rise, there's a lot driving the next generation of students to rethink how they get their education.

    Find out what educators, students, edtech professionals, career accelerators and online institutions have to say about this in an epic debate of educational proportions!

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