Get your skills fit with our Let's Get Technical event series. March 11-27
Build your AI-ready workforce with insights from our State of Tech Talent 2025 report.
We want to help entrepreneurial Australians like you have a Day of Note—a day to kickstart your ideas or side hustle. So Samsung and GA have teamed up to create a range of exclusive workshops to help you take your ideas to the next level.
While you might eventually outsource your project to a development team, it’s important to know what goes into a development project before you do.
In this online livestream, explore the building blocks of the web. You'll finish the class having built a simple responsive webpage for your side hustle, enabling you to take the leap in launching your business, passion project, or simply your next hobby.
Head here to see the full Days of Note workshop and events schedule.
The super powerful Galaxy Note9 helps you get more done. So Samsung is helping entrepreneurial Australians like you break new ground with a Day of Note—a day to make real progress on your ideas, passion projects or side hustle. Curated by General Assembly and Samsung, these tailor-made workshops and events are designed to inspire you and help you make your ideas happen. And the best part, it’s all on Samsung, but spaces are limited so register now.