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    Data Week | Crazy Rich Data: How Data Will Continue to Reign in 2021

    Paris Campus

    GA Paris
    3 rue de Rossini

    Data Week | Crazy Rich Data: How Data Will Continue to Reign in 2021 | Paris

    Paris Campus

    GA Paris
    3 rue de Rossini

    About this event

    The use of data has become more crucial than ever, with 2020 being a year of many first where companies needed to make fast and hard decisions in moving their businesses forward amidst uncertainty. Data has indeed helped to stabilise businesses by empowering them to keep up with and in some cases, even stay ahead of changes in the landscape.

    In 2021, we can anticipate new realities of data and it is inevitable that business strategies will continue to be intrinsically linked with data to drive growth. This is why it is critical for business to understand how to access and manage data to contextualise solutions and make smarter business decisions.

    Join us in this webinar, as we talk to business leaders on how they have rapidly leveraged data from both open-source and enterprise data warehouses to derive real-time insights and make strategic changes in their business roadmap. We will also get practical tips on how companies can unleash the power of data by making data and analytics at the core of their business strategy to build stronger competitive differentiation and customer delight, and understand the challenges and pitfalls commonly faced by companies in implementing their data strategy.

    In 2021, we can anticipate new realities of data and it is inevitable that business strategies will continue to be intrinsically linked with data to drive growth. This is why it is critical for business to understand how to access and manage data to contextualise solutions and make smarter business decisions.

    Join us in this webinar, as we talk to business leaders on how they have rapidly leveraged data from both open-source and enterprise data warehouses to derive real-time insights and make strategic changes in their business roadmap. We will also get practical tips on how companies can unleash the power of data by making data and analytics at the core of their business strategy to build stronger competitive differentiation and customer delight, and understand the challenges and pitfalls commonly faced by companies in implementing their data strategy.

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