Get your skills fit with our Let's Get Technical event series. March 11-27
Build your AI-ready workforce with insights from our State of Tech Talent 2025 report.
Studies have shown that millennials' #1 choice of employee benefit is personalized career development. Career development is an ill-defined path and it's left up to the employees to navigate their own careers. Moreover, 7 in 10 millennials are disengaged at their jobs, and tech companies currently have the highest employee turnover with the average being less than two years.
Join GA for a special event as part of the Career Camp X 2030 series. We will look beyond traditional promotions to explore alternative developmental opportunities and career mobility. Whether you're pursuing that next promotion or seeking employee support and retention solutions for your team, this event will provide an innovative and tactical approach to Professional Development.
Schedule: - 6:30 PM - Drinks & Mingling - 7:15 PM - Panel - 8:30PM - Wrap Up