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    API Craft Reloaded - The Future API Stack for New Product Experiences

    San Francisco Campus

    GA SF
    225 Bush Street, 5th Floor (East Entrance)
    San Francisco CA 94104

    Past Locations for this Event

    API Craft Reloaded - The Future API Stack for New Product Experiences | San Francisco

    San Francisco Campus

    GA SF
    225 Bush Street, 5th Floor (East Entrance)
    San Francisco CA 94104

    Past Locations for this Event

    About this event

    This Meetup is organized around the API driven Software industrialization that is fundamentally changing the Software stack that we are using today, in order to enable new product experiences in our fast-paced world. This is how it translates: - On the front end, new API query language like GraphQL - On the lifecycle management side, machine-readable API description like OpenAPISpec - On the security side, OAuth 2.0, OpenID Connect and JSON WebTokens - On the loosely coupled architecture end, microservices, service meshes, and Istio - On the delivery and orchestration side, containers and Kubernetes and Webassembly, and others…

    This Meetup is part of the APIdays “The Future API Stack for New Product Experiences” Conference, happening on July 16 & 17. More info here -

    The maximum capacity of the venue is 100, and we expect to fill this out very quickly, so please RSVP as soon as you know your availabilities.

    This event is made possible by our generous partner, WSO2.

    Come for the food, stay for the conversations! We will cap the RSVPs at 100, so make sure to save your spot!

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