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Career Tarotscopes for October 2024

General Assembly
October 1, 2024

Rebecca Szymczak, aka Cardsy B, author of The Saturn Diaries and tarot reader to the stars, consulted her cards. She has insight into the transformative energies that Libra and Scorpio seasons offer and which signs should prepare for big changes at work this month. She also advises on advantageous launch and closing dates—like when Venus trines Mars on October 8—and how to best utilize the fall momentum before the holiday slowdown.

October begins with an intense new moon solar eclipse in Libra that occurs right after we moved through the equinox at the end of September, super-charging our ability to manifest this Libra season. This eclipse is an important time to release what we need to in order to make room for career growth in 2025. On October 8, Venus trines Mars, a perfect time for speaking up and advocating for new initiatives. Mid-month, on October 17, we move through a partial lunar eclipse with the full moon in Aries, which asks us to pause and reflect before charging full steam ahead into changes that call us at the end of the month as Scorpio season enters on October 23.

Prepare for a month of accelerated change, but the first half of the month also reminds of the importance of weighing our options before making any rushed decisions. It’s important to use the beginning of October to reflect and release what needs to be cleared before we step into the tides of change of Scorpio season at month’s end. Read on to discover what the cards have in store for your sign.

Aries/Aries Rising (March 21 to April 19)

Card: Queen of Wands

You’re feeling big sparks of inspiration at the beginning of October, but make sure to trust the timing of when to reveal your next steps.

Highlight: Ready to Make Moves 

With your energy and vision feeling at a much higher level than most of 2024, you’re ready to step into a much more accelerated path. Big news is coming your way on or near the full moon in Aries on October 17.

Heads Up: Don’t Rush

As soon as you have the insight to where you’re headed, it may be tempting to charge full-steam ahead. Trust the process and the timing, it’s all aligning by month’s end.

Mantra: Line It Up

Palaye Royale

Taurus/Taurus Rising (April 20 to May 20)

Card: 2 of Swords

2 of Swords seems to indicate the “be careful what you wish for” paradigm. Even as the month arrives, an expansive opportunity is in the works, but this decision requires asking yourself what you really want in terms of work-life balance.

Highlight: A Major Upgrade Has Arrived

Venus, Taurus’ ruling planet, will trine Mars on October 8, giving you a burst of courage and clarity to walk through the door that will bring the most fulfillment.

Heads Up: Prioritize Your Personal Growth

The decision that awaits this month is not a simple one, and it’s essential to focus on your personal well-being in and out of work as much as things like financial growth and titles when choosing the right path forward.

Mantra: You Are Enough

Sleeping At Last

Gemini/Gemini Rising (May 21 to June 20)

Card: 5 of Cups

5 of Cups reminds you that you have everything you need right now. It can be tempting to tell ourselves, “I’ll be happy when I receive X,” and somehow always move the goalpost on ourselves.

Highlight: Reignited Purpose

The solar eclipse on October 2 reminds you of what you love about your career and where you can give more energy to those things. Maybe it’s connecting with people or finding creative solutions. This month, you’ll be reminded of what brings you fulfillment in your work and how to create more space for those things.

Heads Up: Things Grow Based On Where Your Energy Goes 

Fellow air sign Libra brings rapid growth in the first half of October, but this also means that what you give your time and energy to expands. Be discerning regarding what you choose to focus on this month.

Mantra: What You Focus On Expands

The Distant Symphony

Cancer/Cancer Rising (June 21 to July 22)

Card: 6 of Swords

You may have some PTO booked this month, perhaps a long weekend getaway. If you haven’t already planned this and the opportunity to take some time arises, take it, as you’ll be extra busy from the end of October into November.

Highlight: Reset and Recalibration Mode

Utilize the full moon partial eclipse in Aries on October 17 as a milestone. Allow yourself to recalibrate and organize your goals during the first half of the month and give yourself some much-needed downtime before charging into Scorpio season.

Heads Up: Prioritize You

You’re being granted a powerful window with the first half of the month to strategize, as the rest of the year will be quite busy for you. Make sure you prioritize yourself without getting pulled into drama or scarcity of colleagues or collaborators.

Mantra: It’s My Time

Kelly Price

Leo/Leo Rising (July 23 to August 22)

Card: Justice

The Justice card, ruled by Libra, demonstrates that you’re vibing with the rebalancing energies coming up this month, Leo. You most likely have already walked away from some old patterns and beliefs recently, and now is the time to boundary accordingly.

Highlight: Activating Your Voice

There are some exciting new opportunities coming after the full moon in Aries on October 17, so it’s important to follow up and take inspired action through communication to demonstrate your enthusiasm and alignment with these initiatives.

Heads Up: Stand On Business

Even if you’ve established new boundaries with clients or colleagues, they may be tested, so it’s important to remain consistent and clear, especially on October 8 as Venus trines Mars.

Mantra: To The Point

Kendrick Lamar

Virgo/Virgo Rising (August 23 to September 22)

Card: 9 of Pentacles

It appears that Virgo season last month really paid off for you. The risks you took and the seeds you planted at the beginning of this fall season are already starting to blossom.

Highlight: Making Money Moves

Due to continued progress and expanded opportunities, October is likely to fly by even faster than September. Look for confirmation or finalization of a project around October 23, just as Scorpio season arrives.

Heads Up: Give Yourself Gratitude

Virgos are known perfectionists and are often very hard on themselves. Make sure you celebrate the wins this month and take moments to pause and enjoy before jumping into the next goal.

Mantra: Celebrate You

Kylie Minogue

Libra/Libra Rising (September 23 to October 22)

Card: 2 of Cups

Happy Birthday, Libra. Just in time for your solar return, a major collaboration is coming in. This could involve a new client or being elevated to a new level in your business, where you’ll be working more closely with someone you admire and respect.

Highlight: High-Power Partner Vibes

This new client or collab gives you a higher level of visibility and credibility. It could be something you’ve been trying to land for a while and will finally come to fruition by the end of Libra season on October 22.

Heads Up: Don’t Psych Yourself Out

There may be a few delays before this news is finalized closer to the end of the month. Don’t overthink or replay minor details. It’s coming in and well deserved.

Mantra: Sweet Victory

David Glen Eisley & Bob Kulick

Scorpio/Scorpio Rising (October 23 to November 21)

Card: 2 of Pentacles

If financial pressures were weighing on you, the light at the end of the tunnel comes with the balance offered this Libra season. Look for positive news and confirmation shortly after the solar eclipse in Libra on October 2.

Highlight: Financial Level-Ups

The financial balance represented by 2 of Pentacles seems to indicate an increase in revenue over the tail end of 2024, which results in an increased budget for Q1 as well as financial rewards for your performance.

Heads Up: Fast Decisions Needed

As soon as the good news arrives regarding the increased financial flow, you may need to make a quick decision—go with your instinct and don’t overthink it.

Mantra: I Make Money Moves

Cardi B

Sagittarius/Sagittarius Rising (November 22 to December 23)

Card: The Sun

A new opportunity introduced last month expands your revenue and personal fulfillment, opening more doors and magnetizing more abundance well into the new year.

Highlight: Passion Meets Business

Multiple new projects begin by Samhain/The Witches New Year on October 31. These ventures invoke that Sagittarian passion and allow you to connect with a wider range of people you enjoy working with, energizing and inspiring you in a way you may have felt stagnant up until this month. October is a sneak preview of what’s to come in 2025.

Heads Up: Stay Present

While income is increasing, stay present and focused on what is exciting and what you can bring to these new ventures versus focusing on potential future timelines. Rest assured, the increase in abundance will continue.

Mantra: Let the River Run

Carly Simon

Capricorn/Capricorn Rising (December 22 to January 19)

Card: 8 of Cups

It’s time to walk away from what’s been holding you back, dear Capricorn. This doesn’t necessarily mean having to leave a role completely—it could involve self-sabotaging beliefs or behaviors that you know you’re ready to clear.

Highlight: The Ability to Set Yourself Free

Libra season brings a hefty dose of clarity with the solar eclipse on October 2. You may already know what you’ve been wanting to free yourself from, and early October gives you all the tools necessary to execute and come out even more successful on the other side.

Heads Up: Don’t Look Backward

It may be tempting to second-guess yourself or over-rationalize past decisions, but don’t torture yourself with overthinking. You already know what you are being called to do.

Mantra: Freedom

George Michael

Aquarius/Aquarius Rising (January 20 to February 18)

Card: 8 of Pentacles

8 of Pentacles reminds us of the value of focusing on one thing at a time to make substantial change. The full moon partial eclipse in Aries on October 17 is our last eclipse of 2024, helping you to eclipse out distractions and barriers to the success you know you’re capable of.

Highlight: Honoring Your Plan Pays Off

Aquarians are impressive free thinkers who can develop innovative, out-of-the-box solutions. But sometimes, your inability to commit to a consistent path can prolong the success you deserve. Honor your word to yourself this month, and as a result, new doors open by Scorpio season beginning October 23.

Heads Up: Make Sure to Ground

If it feels overwhelming to stick to your plan this month, check in with yourself and ground into the present, asking, “What’s the next right step just for now?”

Mantra: Committed

Koryn Hawthorne

Pisces/Pisces Rising (February 19 to March 20)

Card: The Fool

October offers a powerful reset, with a new project or venture getting greenlit to the next level. The Fool reminds you to come into this with a fresh and open perspective.

Highlight: Powerful New Beginning This Month

By Samhain/The Witch’s New Year on October 31, your career enters a whole new echelon. This expansion will likely begin as a new project proceeds to the next level. This is just the beginning of a venture that will highlight you in your company and perhaps even your industry significantly.

Heads Up: Stay Present

Though you have a lot of experience to draw from, try to separate the negative “this didn’t work in the past” from the present circumstances. The Fool card’s optimism and innovation are needed now, especially on or near October 8 when Venus trines Mars.

Mantra: Today Starts Now

Mari Boine

Reflect, release, and move forward with help from General Assembly

October is the perfect time to pause and reflect on where you’re at—as well as where you want to be. No matter where the next step takes you, we’ll be here to help you move forward with real skills. Take a free tech skill class, sign up for a free info session, or attend a free career development event, register for a hands-on workshop—or kickstart a complete career revolution with one of our full-time or part-time bootcamps or short courses.

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