The Intersection of Tech and the Environment
Come and explore the relationship between technology, health the environment and discuss fuelling change in this industry through the opportunities digital advancements apply.
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Get your skills fit with our Let's Get Technical event series. March 11-27
Build your AI-ready workforce with insights from our State of Tech Talent 2025 report.
San Francisco
Will has spent the last 16 years operating on the interface between robust science and policy to develop and implement multi-disciplinary and integrated approaches to support effective coastal and water resource management. After spending 13 years in the federal government and working for mid-sized environmental consulting firms, he founded Will Lewis Consulting to pursue his vision of introducing novel technologies to thoughtfully disrupt the slowly evolving fields responsible for the management of key natural resources. In 2019, Will founded Sequence Environmental and began developing an aerial drone retrofit to more efficiently characterize inland or marine conditions over space and time. Sequence Environmental is working to initiate a paradigm shift in inland and coastal resource management by integrating novel drone water sampling technologies with rapidly evolving diagnostic platforms and advanced data visualization to summarize conditions in near real-time.
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