Adobe Digital Academy, now available for marketers and creatives in the US, UK, and India.

Adobe Digital Academy, now available for marketers and creatives in the US, UK, and India.

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Veronika Pechova

Divisional Head, Reading Room


Veronika designs behaviour, visuals, systems, user journeys and experiences. She officially joined the UX industry five years ago when has since focused her energies on the process of designing, quality user experience, service design and behavioural science of a customer's decision making process. She has worked with clients from countries such as Japan, the UK, the US, Czechoslovakia, Singapore, Russia, Australia and Hong Kong. Industries she dabbled in include automotive, the public sector, arts and culture, pharmaceutical, education and finance. Amongst which, she is most proud of being the Lead Digital Creative for Skoda UK, Account Manager for BHP Billiton, Designer for NParks Singapore and UX Designer for a European Medical Agency portal.

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