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    Trammell S. Crow Photo

    Trammell S. Crow

    Founder, EarthX


    Trammell S. Crow is a Dallas, Texas-based businessman, entrepreneur and innovative leader in business development and operations. He is the Founder of EarthX, an environmental alliance that launched EarthxTV in September 2020 and also convenes the largest annual Earth Day event in the world, and a member of IUCN, International Union for Conservation of Nature. In 2019, the EarthX live event drew over 177,000 attendees, 2,000 environmental business leaders, 700 exhibitors and 450 speakers.

    Mr. Crow serves on the Board of Directors of the Center for Climate and Energy Solutions – C2ES, successor to the Pew Center on Global Climate Change, which is dedicated to advancing strong policy and action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, promote clean energy, and strengthen resilience to climate impacts. He also serves on the board of Million Acre Pledge, a 501(c)(3) charity that commits individuals, businesses and foundations to conserve or restore large areas of forest and other bio-rich natural areas. He has committed to protect 250,000 acres of forest in Suriname. In September, 2016 Mr. Crow was honored at the 20th anniversary Global Green Awards in recognition of his work in advancing sustainable and resilient communities to best support Earth’s natural systems, stem climate change, protect human health and improve livability for all. In May 2019, he was awarded the Ellis Island Medal of Honor which recognizes American citizens who have made the pursuit of freedom, liberty, and compassion a part of their life’s work.

    Mr. Crow is co-founder of Texas Business for Clean Air and Texans for Clean Water. He serves on the Board of Directors of Space Center Houston and American Renewable Energy Institute and is on the Advisory Board of Environmental Defense Fund Texas and Texas Land Conservancy, among others. He is a long-time supporter of the Texas Conservation Alliance, the Nature Conservancy of Texas, Texans for Lawsuit Reform, Log Cabin Republicans and the League of Conservation Voters. He is also a member of the Clean Capitalist Leadership Council. The Council offers a trans-partisan fellowship of leading clean capitalists, free market and conservation donors, and green conservatives, focused on smart policy innovation.

    The son of Trammell and Margaret, the former being the founder of the Trammell Crow Company, Mr. Crow is the President of the Crow Family Foundation, which operates and manages the Trammell & Margaret Crow Collection of Asian Art and the Trammell Crow Sculpture Garden in the heart of the downtown Dallas Arts District.

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