The What & Why of APIs
From Twitter to Facebook to smartphones to ATMs, APIs power our digital lives. We will discuss the basics of APIs: what they are, how they work, and why they matter.
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Todd is a Solutions Architect at Mashery, an Intel Company at the forefront of API Management. He also worked as an Architect at IBM and as a Software Engineer for a few startups. While at Duke University, he studied Electrical Engineering and played four years of varsity basketball for Coach K. He then obtained his Masters degree at Stanford University, also in engineering.
Todd's passionate about the cross section of technology and business. As such, he's a big fan of web APIs and how they are contributing to business success. I've had the good fortune of working with a number of companies to identify an API strategy and launch API projects. These companies include retail stores, hotel chains, airlines, newspapers, data services firms, and more. But even more, he loves to teach, learn, collaborate, and meet new people.
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